Startup News


Keeping up with KeepSpace’s growth

The philosophy behind KeepSpace’s growth is simple: save e-commerce entrepreneurs from some of the most tedious parts of their work.

What are Startups looking for in 2019?

Startup News asked several startup founders what they thought 2019 had in store for them, and their New Year’s wishes for the local startup scene…

Ending the year on a high note

Just because we’re in the silly season, doesn’t mean Perth’s movers and shakers aren’t busy making deals…

Vale Andrew Halls

As many of you now know, the Perth Startup Community has been rocked with the news of Andrew Halls’ passing. If you are hearing this for the first time we are sorry to be the bearers of such sad news.

Blak Biz helps ‘Firstpreneurs’ have a go

Kado Muir is getting ready to launch Blak Biz, a specialist consulting business with the aim of supporting First Australians to become involved and succeed with entrepreneurial ventures…

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