Blak Biz helps ‘Firstpreneurs’ have a go

Picture of Caitlin Paroczai
Caitlin Paroczai
// Kado Muir is getting ready to launch Blak Biz, a specialist consulting business with the aim of supporting First Australians to become involved and succeed with entrepreneurial ventures…

Kado Muir is getting ready to launch Blak Biz, a specialist consulting business with the aim of supporting First Australians to become involved and succeed with entrepreneurial ventures…

Officially launching in 2019, Blak Biz helps First Australians to run their own businesses and pursue financial freedom. The specialist consulting business offers a range of services, including helping First Australian businesses to participate in local, state and federal government Indigenous procurement programs.

Blak Biz also works with corporates to assist them to build Indigenous engagement plans, employment plans and develop their capacities in the areas of cultural engagement, diversity and inclusion and corporate social responsibility. 

A True Calling

Coming from a tribal nomad family, Founder of Blak Biz, Kado Muir is no stranger to the business sector. A keen social justice and environmental activist, he operated his own social enterprise for over 25 years. Kado told Startup News that he has been a business man and entrepreneur his whole life.

“My family are strong in Aboriginal culture and traditions, but they are also strong in social enterprise… Apart from a few short stints working in government, I have always been a business man and entrepreneur. For the past 25 years I ran a business to support my cultural and social obligation to help my tribe secure our Land Rights. We have been successful in that campaign,” he said. 

Increased Support for Indigenous Small Business

With the recent increased support for Indigenous small business from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), Kado explained that it was the perfect time for him to focus on his business. 

Blak Biz helps ‘Firstpreneurs’ have a go
Blak Biz Logo

“My focus on social justice meant I did not always prioritise my business obligations. Fortunately, the success [of my social enterprise] and the ATO came calling at the same time… I am now able to focus on my business full-time and also share my knowledge and experience with other Aboriginal people.


A key aim of Black Biz is to support First Australian entrepreneurs as an incubator and accelerator, running workshops that inspire and support them through their journey.

Kado believes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have the opportunity to step up and become First Nation entrepreneurs. He calls them ‘Firstpreneurs’.

“Blak Biz is a brand. It is built on ‘Firstpreneurs’ stepping out to have a go. My desire as a founder is to support and inspire Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to set up and run their own businesses, to pursue financial freedom… inspiring entrepreneurism and instilling the value of never giving up,” Kado said. 

The Rewards Are Greater

Although Kado has enjoyed significant success, he told Startup News that having no other Aboriginal founders to seek guidance from was difficult.

“When I started my business, I had no real understanding of basic business processes. Everyone I talked to told me not to do it and I had no Aboriginal people to turn to [for guidance]. It was very lonely and scary… The risk is great, but the rewards are greater. You just have to be focussed, committed to learning and have a burning desire to achieve success.” 

Blak Biz is also introducing free monthly podcasts called the ‘Blak Biz Radioshow’ to provide insights and information for entrepreneurs. 

“The biggest problem Blak Biz solves is to show other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples that business and entrepreneurship is accessible to us as well.” 

To read more about Kado Muir, visit his website.


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Picture of Caitlin Paroczai

Caitlin Paroczai

Caitlin Paroczai is a third-year Media and Communications and Law student at The University of Western Australia. With interests in broadcast journalism and marketing, Caitlin is passionate about Australian startups creating social impact. A big lover of the arts, writing and public speaking, Caitlin views working in media as an opportunity to combine her passions with her work. Always seeking opportunities to expand her knowledge and experience, she is excited to be contributing to Startup News as a student journalist.
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