// It’s been an interesting 3 months, to say the least. What have you been most interested in…?
As Churchill said, we are not at the end, we are not at the beginning of the end, but we might be at the end of the beginning.
For startups used to uncertainty and pivoting, 2020 has had a few surprises up its sleeves. But for startups, it’s another uncertainty piled on top of many. So we just tend to get on with it.
Meanwhile, Startup News signed up two new sponsors (thank you City of Perth and RSM) and ploughed on regardless. We hit new heights of traffic, and subscribers (now over 2,500 – up from 900 or so a year ago).
We may yet see the Roaring Twenties. It’ll just have to come along a little later (as the original Roaring Twenties did in fact – the 1920s only started roaring after a pandemic and resultant recession in the early part of the decade…)
What tickled your fancy on Startup News?
Top (Most Read) 10 articles, June Qtr 2020
- COVID-19 Business Toolkit – how to assess assistance
- Corona won’t stop these startups – Plus 8 cohort announced
- Two WA startups announced for Springboard – Spacedraft & EWS
- People Diagnostix making major moves – fund raise and new clients
- Five Tips for Working from Home – another COVID story
- InteliCare lists on ASX – aged care tech raises $5.5M
- COVID-19 support measures – more help on COVID
- Illness is not a liability – great story about abled and disabled entrepreneurs
- Next generation motor electrifies WA – HyperPower Technologies
- Making waste management smarter – Matter & BinSense
Stay safe. Stay well. We’ll remake the economy and get the Twenties roaring together.
Go #WA #Startups!
Email us on [email protected] for any of your stories, and events@… for any meetings to add to the calendar.