Startup News 10 Most Read Articles for the Last Quarter

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Startup News
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It’s that time again, where we reflect on the articles that got the most attention during the last quarter. That is, 1st July through to 30th September 2016.

Here are the articles you may have missed, that got our readers attention.

HBF Activates New Perth Startup Accelerator

Miles talks about local not-for-profit insurer, HBF, getting behind the startup ecosystem with their newly announced 10 week program, in partnership with Spacecubed.

Western Australian Innovation Summit: A Missed Opportunity

Mary discusses her takeaways from the state governments one day Innovation Summit, and her feelings on what opportunities they missed that day.

Perthcolator – How To Make A Unicorn

Marcus reveals the new evening and morning session program, Perthcolator, which features a range of topics with experts covering early stage startup development.

Murdoch Researchers Step Up to Start Something

Miles talks about the pitching success and lessons that Murdoch University faculty recently had, at the Start Something from Research pitch contest.

Startup Story: Stuart Hall from Appbot

Miles interviews Stuart Hall, co-founder of local mobile app analytics startup, Appbot, and the great growth and experience Stuart has in the startup world.

Startup Story: Heryati from Perth Tribe

Miles interviews Heryati, editor of local email newsletter, Perth Tribe, on where she sees this small publishing startup going, and what lessons Heryati has learned so far.

The Opposite Of Lean is Shite

Controversial contributor, with the pseudonym Lean Hackman, talks about what the opposite of the lean startup model, in particular, customer validation, means to him or her.

Ultimate List of Perth Co-working Spaces

Miles kicks off the ambitious project of compiling one definitive list of Perth co-working spaces. This list has since been updated and lives here.

Startup Story: Mal Ashton from WAIV

Mary speaks to Mal Ashton, WAIV COO, about the upcoming launch of the newest payments platform coming out of Australia, WAIV.

Seven Perth Startups Get an Upstart in Growth

Miles announces the 2016 cohort of Perth based Vocus Upstart accelerator program, and what is in store for them during the program.

Thank you to everyone who contributed an article or helped with an interview over the last three months. If you want to know more about getting involved, we encourage you to see our Write for Us page.

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Startup News

Startup News has been the home of West Australian startup news and events since 2013. We publish several news stories, interviews, tips and events relating to WA startups every week, with over 1,900 articles in our archives. We also produce the 'Startup West' podcast, and host the 'Hubs (Ecosystem)' database of WA startup programs, places and events.
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