Startup News


Bunsters raises $2M in equity crowd funding

// Renae Bunster has raised a further $2M in equity crowd funding recently for her hot sauce company, to fund new products such as a chilli vodka…

Let’s get behind #BrodieforMayor

// There are now 6 candidates for Lord Mayor. Only one has been working hard for startups for 8 years. If you want to help the local innovation ecosystem, you will get behind Brodie’s campaign…

Metso Outotec acquires Davies Wear Plate Systems

// Three years on from receiving a federal government grant to commercialise its technology, Perth-based Davies Wear Plates has been acquired by a Finnish public company.

Safely thriving

// A Perth-based workplace training provider demonstrates how small businesses can overcome obstacles in the current economic climate and differentiate successfully…

London calling WA startups and scaleups

// Despite the global pandemic, London is getting ready to once again turn into the hottest innovation hub on the planet to unite tech, talent and enablers.

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