Startup News


Trendwise Landing in Shanghai

Trendwise, the product built by Perth-based analytics company Inhouse Group, has been selected for the first Shanghai Landing Pad. Here’s the press release.

Australia Post Regional Pitchfest

A national competition for pitches from regional and rural entrepreneurs, supported by Australia Post. Sounds great.

Underpants or Emails?

Startup News couldn’t return without Lean Hackman, so we persuaded the old warhorse to stop messing about and write some more vitriol for our amusement and edification.

Michael Tucak, Independent Candidate

Michael Tucak is a lawyer who’s been around the startup scene a while, and is standing for election on Saturday including startup policies in his platform. We had to find

Refresh Valet Launches The App

Refresh Valet are “the Uber for mobile car detailing” apparently. We interviewed Harrison Lingard and discovered how that works.


Limited Partnership Laws to Help WA Technology Start-Ups

New laws covering venture capital limited partnerships are expected to boost business investment in WA for innovation and technology start-ups. Limited partnerships, where there is at least one general partner

Hello 2017!

The classic definition of Product-Market Fit is if 30% of your market would be disappointed if you stopped trading. I guess we achieved that.

The Road Ahead, Again

Miles and I are taking December off. And we may not be back.

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