ECU Enterprise Tuesdays. Introductions To The World Of Business

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Enterprise Tuesday introduces participants to the world of business and encourages and inspires individuals to pursue their entrepreneurial ambition.

The series is relevant for staff, students and community members exploring entrepreneurial opportunities and looking to build high quality networks with experts and practitioners. It’s also a chance for the business community to mix with the next generation of talent.

About the program

The program will encompass:

  • A series of eight free lectures and networking sessions, open to all members of the university and business community. Each session is based on a topic of entrepreneurship and delivered by academic speakers from ECU business school and an industry practitioner who can speak from personal, practical experience.
  • Development of an ECU-led network comprising entrepreneurial talent from the university and entrepreneurial practitioners from the business community.

Who’s it for?

Enterprise Tuesday is for people who want to:

  • find out how they can develop their business idea;
  • learn the ‘how to’ by developing basic business skills;
  • explore the entrepreneur inside;
  • build skills needed for entry to business creation competitions and external programs (such as Start-up weekend and Ignition);
  • meet like-minded individuals and develop multi-skilled teams;
  • know how to transform an idea into enterprise; and
  • network with experienced and successful entrepreneurs.

What do you learn?

In general, the theme of the semester 1 lectures is inspiration; for semester 2 it’s about the ‘how to’ of becoming an entrepreneur. The lectures will provide key information to enable participants to consider the steps necessary to build a new enterprise.

The practical networking sessions help attendees to develop communication skills and personal or business connections. Enterprise Tuesday is a flagship programme of University of Cambridge Judge Business School Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning.

Session timing

  • 4.45pm Registration & Networking
  • 5.00pm Welcome & Session Introduction
  • 5.05pm Speakers and Q&A
  • 6.30pm Networking with drinks & canapés
  • 7.30pm Close

Topics, dates and presenters

Mindsets and Motivations

Date: 18th March 2014


David Gill, Managing Director, St John’s Innovation Centre, Cambridge.

Hugh Parnell, Chairman of Cambridge Cleantech.

Peter Clarke, Founding CEO, Scanalyse.

Recognising Opportunity

Date: 15th April 2014

Presenters: TBA

Serendipity or Hard Work

Date: 13th May 2014

Presenters: TBA

Vision Meets Reality

Date: 10th June 2014

Presenters: TBA

Creating Star Teams

Date: 12th August 2014

Presenters: TBA

Vision, Plans and Making it Happen

Date: 9th September 2014

Presenters: TBA

Growing Your Venture

Date: 7th October 2014

Presenter: TBA

Leveraging the Value of Consulting

Date: 4th November 2014

Presenters: TBA

Attendance certificate

The program awards certificates to people who attend six of the eight lectures and also incorporates a business plan competition.

More information

If you require additional information please contact:

Kerry Blowfield

Telephone: 6304 2721

Email: [email protected]

via ECU | Enterprise Tuesdays : News and events : Office of Research and Innovation : Centres.

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