Startup News

Fitfam Findr: disrupting dating apps with healthy relationships

Picture of Charlie Gunningham
Charlie Gunningham
// // A Perth startup has launched a local dating app for fitness singles...

// A Perth startup has launched a local dating app for fitness singles…

Perth based entrepreneurs are taking on the world of dating with Fitfam Findr, a dating app designed to help fitness singles establish healthy relationships.

Fitfam Findr is a mobile app which offers a new way for fitness singles to find and meet other fitness singles who share a similar lifestyle… centered around fitness.

Fitfam Findr: disrupting dating apps with healthy relationships
Some Fitfam Findr screens

“It actually started as a joke on Instagram Stories,” said the founders of Fitfam Findr. “I’ve got a pretty good connection to my community on @perthfitfam and I get asked about how to meet other fit singles all the time.

“Someone asked me during an Instagram Q&A if I could help them find a date. Once I reshared that question the engagement went crazy with other people wanting help finding dates as well… I’m a married man so it’s not an issue for me.

“But once I was bombarded with messages I knew there was a problem and we could find a solution.”

Fitfam Findr: disrupting dating apps with healthy relationships
A Fitfam Findr event

“Fitness people want to date other fitness people… it’s a lifestyle.”

“We found that our customers have poor experiences on current dating apps because their matches aren’t compatible for the long term. A lot of volume but minimal quality.”

“Within three months of the idea, we had a proof of concept, raised the seed fund, built a team of Co-Founders, and launched the Fitfam Findr Festival at the Scaborough Amphitheatre.”

“In the first 6 hours of release we reached our 3-month traction target, ranked #64 on the App Store and managed to crash the Amazon servers. Within 36 hours we hit our 12-month traction target which makes us really confident moving ahead fast”.

Fitfam Findr: disrupting dating apps with healthy relationships
Dating app for fitness folk

Features and benefits of Fitfam Findr include:

  • Match with other fitness singles within your area.
  • Refine your search by age, gender, location.
  • Updates to include such features as: filter by fitness, nutrition and lifestyle preferences.

“The biggest challenge we’ve found so far is the time it can take for development turnaround. When it comes to technology, sometimes bugs and things come up and you’ve just got to work your way through it. For the most case, our early adopters have been really understanding.”

“We’ve got such a strong team, market validation, funding and now we are ready to hit the Australian market.”

Fitfam Findr is available on the App Store with Google Play coming soon. For more information on Fitfam Findr visit


Images supplied.

ARTICLE UPDATED since first published.

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Picture of Charlie Gunningham

Charlie Gunningham

Former co-founder, GM, CEO Business News and Accelerating Commercialisation adviser. Charlie has spent 20+ years in Perth's startup scene, as founder, mentor, adviser, writer and investor. There's nothing he likes more than helping early stage tech startups ... and drinking coffee, shiraz or playing in a blues band. Email Charlie here.
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