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Mobot - Aaron Howard

Following Dreams On A Mobot

Just like many other Australians, Aaron Howard doesn’t like to waste time mowing his lawn. But unlike most of us, he actually researched and came up with something that will do the mowing for him – Mobot, the robot that mows.

Uber Ice Cream?

For today only, Uber’s partnered up with Sydney’s famous Gelato Messina to deliver #UberICECREAM directly to you at the tap of a button! Yes, we’ve flown Sydney’s Gelato Messina directly here to the Wild West!

AppBotX Released Into The Wild

Local Legend Stuart Hall has released the latest version of his popular AppBot utility, but this time expanded it to an entire suite of tools for app developers to use to improve customer communication.

Mike "Shneebs" Kneebone

How to Disrupt An Industry – Shneebers Unite

Shneebs is a way for communities to rent, swap, share their items and services. If you want something and don’t need to buy it then search shneebs for that item and lend it to your neighbour?