Your Chance To Virtually Check Out Shanghai

Picture of Patrick Green
Patrick Green

Shanghai, China is a massive city containing more people than the entire population of Australia, over 23.9 million last time I counted.

In two weeks time I will be flying over to visit friends and relatives and investigating the startup scene while I am at it.

I already know my way around having been there several times in the past, I can find all the best Aussie and music jam bars, as well as some pretty cool restaurants.

530838_10152195974165015_772375038_nIn previous visits I had been building my own startups so was confined to cafés and quiet places so I could code and test.

This time however, as your humble writer for Startup News, I’d like to be your hands, eyes and ears and explore the startup scene and hopefully bring back some fresh new ideas.

Also, if there is anything you ever wanted to do in Shanghai this is your chance. Leave a comment below saying what you want to find out, do or see in Shanghai and the most interesting, possible and legal idea I will follow through with.

I’ll photograph, video and write about the experience and post it back here on Startup News.

Maybe you want to know if I can reach your website from China, or how startups find customers there, or what’s a Chinese co-working space look like, or show you a factory or the view from Jiang Mao tower.

I will be attending a coworking space and a startup grind event, but that’s all I know at this stage.

Just comment below, and see if we can have some fun with this.

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Picture of Patrick Green

Patrick Green

Patrick is the co-founder and co-editor of Startup News. With a history in software and startups, he gets a kick out of seeing other peoples ideas come to life.
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