DDD stands for Developer! Developer! Developer!

Picture of Patrick Green
Patrick Green

This conference may actually interest startups, the DDD conference is scheduled for Perth on September 16, so we reached out and asked them a few questions.

//SN: Tell me what a DDD is, who is behind it and how it came about? 

DDD stands for Developer! Developer! Developer! and is a series of conferences organised around the world by volunteers involved in their local software communities. It was first held in the United Kingdom in 2005 and has been in Australia since 2010. The 2017 DDD Perth conference will be held on September 16 2017 and will be the third time the event has been run in Perth. 

The basic idea behind DDD is to encourage people that wouldn’t normally be able to speak at or attend a conference by following four key tenets: 

  • It is free or low cost (you don’t need a company paying for your ticket) 
  • It is on a Saturday (you don’t need time off work to attend) 
  • An open submissions process (anyone can speak) 
  • A democratically chosen agenda (the community decides on the talks) 

The Perth conference is aimed at everyone involved in the Perth software community – not just software developers! DDDPerth is an approachable conference that anyone can attend, with a particular focus on people who don’t normally get to attend and speak at conferences. The conference is organised in 2017 by a committee that is made up of 13 people from all over the Perth software community and is sponsored by a wide variety of organisations involved in technology. 

Our platinum sponsor is Bankwest this year and our Gold sponsors are Readify, Microsoft, LiveHire, Lateral and Virtual Gaming Worlds.

//SN: What happens at DDD, what’s the format? 

On the day, DDD Perth takes a similar structure to other conferences with attendees going to presentations that they wish to see. What makes DDD different is that the agenda is democratically chosen by the attendees in the weeks leading up to the conference. All submissions for presentations are displayed on the DDD Perth website (http://www.dddperth.com) and people vote on the talks that they would like to see. As one of a number of measures to try and improve speaker diversity, as announced on the DDD Perth blog, the 2017 DDD Perth conference had anonymous voting so the community voted purely against the content of the talks rather than the people presenting them. 

Further setting DDD Perth apart from other software conferences is that the conference is held on a Saturday and only costs $50, making it accessible to more people. The previous agenda’s are shown on the DDD Perth website, which gives further information of the likely format on the day. 

This year there are two amazing keynote speakers that have been announced – Kris Howard and Gojko Adzic. 

//SN: How can DDD benefit the Perth Startup Community and startups specifically? 

DDD Perth can benefit the Perth Start-up community in many different ways.  

Firstly, there are numerous talks in the voting pool that specifically relate to start-ups including Growth Hacking, Minimum-Viable Products, Lean/Agile and talks from members of the local Perth start-up community on their experiences starting and running a start up. Other presentations are also of interest to the local start-up community as many of them relate to interesting new technology or provide insight into techniques that can be used by start-ups in any phase. 

Secondly, the DDD Perth main event and afterparty are great opportunities for networking with members of the local Perth software community. The afterparty in particular is a great place for having more in-depth conversations with presenters on the topics they have presented, or to just meet other people in the community and potentially find your next business partner!

//SN: We recently saw the WWW conference come through, with little engagement with the local startup community, and little that local startups could afford or found interesting.  Is the startup community on your radar and how will you encourage attendance and participation for our readers? 

As DDD Perth has a democratically chosen agenda everyone in the Perth software community has the ability to make the conference what they would like it to be. Keeping the cost of attending the conference low is one of the major goals of DDDand we are proud to say that the ticket price is still only $50 which includes good coffee and food all day, an amazing line-up of presentations and an afterparty at the premier conference venue (PCEC). 

We have reached out to the startup community in particular, with the offer of having some time during the afternoon break for people to provide demos or more information about what their start-up is doing, as well as the opportunity to meet like minded people across the day and at the afterparty event. If any readers would like to take us up on this offer they can contact us at [email protected]. 

//SN: When is the event, how much will it cost, and where will it be held? 

This year DDD Perth will be held on the 16th of September at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. The afterparty details are yet to be announced, however it will be close to the PCEC. Ticket prices are only $50 and we do have a few anonymously sponsored tickets for people that this presents too much of a financial burden to – just reach out to [email protected] if you find yourself in that situation and we can hook you up :). 

//SN: What is the one big reason people need to attend DDD? 

The biggest reason anyone should attend DDD Perth is to be part of the amazingly vibrant and diverse software community we have in Perth! DDD Perth is one of the few software conferences that is held in Perth so it’s a great opportunity to give back to and invest in the local software community by attending. 

//SN: I hear there is SWAG? 

As part of their ticket, attendees receive a showbag with a variety of goodies from DDD and our sponsors. In past years these have included a variety of great offers, and plenty of sugar to keep everyone going through the day! Make sure you grab your showbag at check-in. 

//SN: Thanks to Rob Moore for this interview, visit http://www.dddperth.com for more info.

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Picture of Patrick Green

Patrick Green

Patrick is the co-founder and co-editor of Startup News. With a history in software and startups, he gets a kick out of seeing other peoples ideas come to life.
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