You’ll never get a second chance to make a first impression. That’s the mantra Ashlee Trout of The Corporate Climber wants to impress upon her customers.
As an adopted child into a multicultural family, Ashlee has a great appreciation for the value of education and where it can take you. She explains that her chances of even going to primary school in her native country of India would have been slim.
Ashlee is currently completing her Masters of Human Resource Management and together with her experience and interests in psychology, human resources management, fashion, public relations and social media, has enabled her to develop her own brand in the form of The Corporate Climber. These skills have also helped her to succeed and grow success in other young professionals by providing a range of services that will enhance their career opportunities and progression in a new age of business.
Ashlee founded the company by combining the two things she felt most passionate about, her career and her wardrobe. Launching The Corporate Climber in February 2014, she has already been working closely with employers within the corporate realm to assess their employee engagement and then create and implement talent retention and engagement strategies. Such strategies focus on the most effective methods to attract, engage, recruit, develop and retain top talent through the use of Strategic HRM practices, social media and technology.
The Corporate Climber wants to see talented millennials make it in the big leagues.
“I think young people are not given enough direction and coaching in career etiquette and development to achieve their full potential,” Ashlee explains. “I want to offer millennials who are passionate about their careers [like me] guidance to maximise their opportunities and by doing it all in phenomenal style.”
An amalgamation of online destinations for ambitious, chic and business savvy millennials in the corporate realm, The Corporate Climber brings a fresh voice to deliver useful and diverse content on personal branding, career training and development, social networking, corporate fashion, health and lifestyle.
A key component, The Corporate Climber blog, is dedicated to bringing millennials innovative, useful and fresh content that will better their opportunity for success. The Corporate Climber blog does this by supporting a healthy work-life balance and sharing views and tips on fashion, technology, career development, personal branding, fitness and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Each article has been written in collaboration with young professionals who have passionately succeeded in their chosen career. So far the blog has featured the following young professionals and Companies:
- Sophie Frodsham Associate Director at Ernst & Young
- Simon Guerrero CEO at Ticketbooth
- Lachlan Palmos Solicitor at Williams + Hughes Lawyers
- Brent Griffiths Professional Football Player Central Coast Mariners F.C
- Nikki Shah Product and Retail Support Glassons Ausralia and NZ
- Kohen Grogan Co Founder/Managing Director Social Media CTRL Pty Ltd & Yappy
- Kavisha Jega Food + Wellness Coach
- Helix Performance Sport Science
- StageLabel
- 3 X Management
- Doctor of Fashion
- Sydney Menswear
Also, as one of the Atomic Sky Tech Hubs‘ first tenants she now has a place to work from and grow her business with the support of experienced mentors and the company of other talented entrepreneurs.
We wish Ashlee all the best at The Corporate Climber. Her wardrobe advice is excellent.