Startup News

Have your say in what WA startups need

Picture of Jenny McCann
Jenny McCann
// // Western Australian startups – what do you need to survive and thrive? Landgate's tech hub SPUR wants to hear your views...

// Western Australian startups – what do you need to survive and thrive? Landgate’s tech hub SPUR wants to hear your views…

Perth’s startup ecosystem is flourishing in response to consumer demand for faster, better and smarter service across every industry, and the consistent call on developing technology is to ‘do things smarter for less’.

New technology trends blockchain, machine learning, AI, the Internet of Things, supercomputing, autonomous vehicles and AR/VR are all shaping the next societal steps.

Landgate’s innovation and technology hub SPUR supports entrepreneurs and startups using emerging technology to develop ideas incorporating their location and property information, targeting outcomes of government efficiencies and improvement to government service delivery, resulting in smarter service to citizens.

Have your say in what WA startups need
Justin van Didden (right) with SpacetoCo’s Daniel McCullen (foreground)

“The SPUR team recognises that WA startup survival and growth is the result of a collaborative effort and we are a complementary part of the substantial network of startup supporters in Perth,” said Justin van Didden, Director of Commercialisation and Partnerships in SPUR.

“We are giving WA startups the chance to have a voice and tell us the type of support the ecosystem needs to survive and thrive.”

To do this, please complete SPUR’s SIMPLE SURVEY by Thursday 31 October to have your say.

The information gathered through the survey will inform SPUR’s 2020 startup growth plan.


Have your say in what WA startups need

For more information on SPUR’s startup activities visit

Disclosure: The author works for Landgate as Coordinator for SPUR.

Read more of the latest news from the startup ecosystem here

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Picture of Jenny McCann

Jenny McCann

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