Talk Of The Town: Friday 3rd October 2014
Talk of the town is our weekly post of links and tidbits that we hear about, but didn’t get time to write about.
Talk of the town is our weekly post of links and tidbits that we hear about, but didn’t get time to write about.
Startup Weekend has been an integral part of the growth of the Perth Startup community, and hundreds of people have attended one or more of the events. They want to hear the stories.
All great industries have an annual event to get together and celebrate their industry. TV has the Logies, Music has the ARIA’s and the Perth startup community now has Startup West! A night-time get-together of old and new friends involved in the Startup Scene.
Brodie McCulloch, founder of Spacecubed, went on a round-the-world trip a couple of months ago to see how other people did co-working. We managed to get some of his time
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