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Many A Gem Among Them, Rails Girls.

I am about as tech-savvy as a pair of gumboots! My abilities in relation to the operations of a laptop are limited to sending emails and writing stories so I was

21 Mar 2014. Invitation To Attend The Perth Showcase Lunch

PERTH, AUSTRALIA – Wholesale Investor, Australia’s leading private investment platform, will host the Perth Showcase Lunch 2014 in Perth on Friday March 21. Presented in association with principal support partners PwC and DLA

Anthony Manning-Franklin

Farugi – Music To The Ears Of Musicians

Launched in December 2013 after almost a year of development, Farugi is an online music distribution platform where independent artists can promote and sell their music, as well as merchandise, directly to fans in one easy-to-use medium.

The Engine Behind The Fitness Engine. Open Air Fitness Changes Name

The concept behind is to create a focal point for all personal trainers and possible clients to meet and communicate and to provide a user-friendly database for PT’s which would aid advertising and the storing of client information. Matt Pontel, a young Perth native, was the person who initially came up with the idea.

Startup Muster 2013 Needs Your Help.

Launched on February 28th 2014, Startup Muster 2013 is a survey of the Australian startup community to take a snapshot of what Australia has accomplished in 2013.