Upitch.me launches to connect startups with new talent

Picture of Liam Wignell
Liam Wignell
// // Founded by couple Sherin and Volker Breuer, Upitch.me sees companies pitch to talent, and videos replace resumes...

A Perth startup has launched a new platform to facilitate students and graduates in getting their first professional job experience, either in an entry-level or internship by flipping the old-fashioned recruiting process upside down.

Founded by Sherin and Volker Breuer, Upitch.me sees companies pitch to talent, and videos replace resumes.

The idea came to Ms Breuer while studying a Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Curtin University. She witnessed first-hand how may of her peers struggled to land internships or jobs. At the same time, through her role as Support Officer at StarupWA, she learnt first-hand from founders how hard it was to recruit young talent.

She put one and one together and they started building the platform. Now, after a few months of running a closed beta, Upitch.me has no officially opened to all startups.

Companies express the human side of their business using TikTok-esqe videos applicants get matched based on interest and other factors. Their personalities are showed off in a short introduction video, then run through a more structured video interview process where they respond to three job-specific interview questions.

These can be behavioural, situational, motivation-based or skills based, such as work sample – which is widely considered to be one of the best predictors of future performance.

Applicants can upload relevant files and boost their application with video or/and written references from peers and profs. This is designed to be a simple applicant tracking system which helps to manage the recruitment funnel in one location. It also reduces the impact of application fatigue.

 “Simply put, Upitch.me matches students and graduates with internship and entry-level job opportunities by having companies pitch to talent first. How? Founders express their values and show their team in a short video they can record straight on the platform,” said Ms Breur. .

We know how frustrating it can be when you can’t find the right talent. We want to help your business to attract and recruit top talent.

We’ve got hundreds of smart and driven WA students and graduates on our platform who are eager to gain career-defining work experience and will bring lots of energy and new ideas to your business.

Sherin Breuer
Upitch.me launches to connect startups with new talent
Sherrin Breuer. Image supplied.

Mr Breuer added that, in a nutshell, the platform allows talent to showcase their personality, which can result in faster hires from the company, saving both time and money.

“It’s not enough to complain about the skill shortage. We all need to hire young talent and set them up to become the future superstars,” he said.

 About one in four tertiary students in WA are from abroad. If they don’t find interesting work opportunities, they won’t stay. They will head back home or follow their local peers to the east coast hubs.

Volker Breuer

Upitch.me launches to connect startups with new talent
Volker Breuer. Image supplied.

Already the response from businesses has been positive.

FastVue co-founder Scott Glew noted that of the biggest struggle’s startups have is competing with larger, more established businesses when it comes to recruitment.

“Universities hold a treasure trove of young talent eager to get experience under their belts, but there has never been a simple, elegant way to connect them with startups,” he said.

“I like how Upitch.me are tackling this problem by removing the hurdles and making video a first-class citizen of the process which allows someone’s energy and passion to shine through. This is super important when looking for someone with limited experience, as reviewing resumes is next to useless.“

Redi Software’s Daniel Foster said he like how clean and slick the system is.

“I watched the videos, and I was surprised at how easy it was to get a feeling about a candidate after just a few minutes. It is no different than a face-to-face meeting, just way more efficient,” he said.

Nidhi Jamtveit of Verlume noted that too often organisations underestimate the impact a graduate can have on the growth, success and bottom line of a business.

“The Upitch.me Team know best how to pinpoint this graduate talent and have addressed the long-awaited need for a dedicated graduate recruitment tool to ensure businesses get this vital match right,” he said.

To check out the platform, click here.

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Picture of Liam Wignell

Liam Wignell

Liam has extensive experience across marketing, procurement and project management roles in both the public and private sector. He contributed to Startup News from 2020 to 2023 and was contracted as Managing Editor in 2022.
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