Top Ten articles in March quarter, and other news

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Startup News
Startup News Top 10
// // As we started the new decade, we could not have guessed the stories that would end its first quarter...

// As we started the new decade, we could not have guessed the stories that would end its first quarter…

The world changed in March. While we were hearing about the coronavirus outbreak as the New Year dawned, we could not imagine what it would lead to within a few weeks.

But it has, and here we are.

Meanwhile, Startup News signed up nine new writers (bring us to an even dozen active contributors), launched a second series of our Startup West podcast with new co-hosts and traffic to the site rose to new records as you clearly wanted to be kept informed of what was happening…

Top Ten articles in March quarter, and other news

Top (Most Read) 10 articles, Mar Qtr 2020

  1. COVID-19 support measures for Australian businesses ATO, Mar 12th
  2. Fitfam findr disrupting dating apps with healthy relationships, 20th Feb
  3. Who you gonna call how to navigate the WA startup ecosystem? 17th Feb
  4. Uno Group announces partnership with Nielsen, 15th Jan
  5. State government launches 20k innovation vouchers for 2020, 24th Feb
  6. How winning Startup Weekend kickstarted our startup, 14th Feb
  7. Behind the hype what the stats say about consumer behaviour, 20th Mar
  8. BetterLabs goes large with $23M seed fund, 31st Jan
  9. Next generation motor electrifies WA, 9th Mar
  10. iCetana lists on the ASX, 8th Jan

You stay safe – we’ll all get through this together.

Go #WA #Startups!

Email us on [email protected] for any of your stories, and events@… for any virtual meetings to add to the calendar.

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Startup News

Startup News has been the home of West Australian startup news and events since 2013. We publish several news stories, interviews, tips and events relating to WA startups every week, with over 1,900 articles in our archives. We also produce the 'Startup West' podcast, and host the 'Hubs (Ecosystem)' database of WA startup programs, places and events.
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