Tamad App Launches

Picture of Marcus Holmes
Marcus Holmes

Finalists for 2 Innovation Awards, the creators of Tamad App have released it for free on the Google Play Store.

No more knocking on doors, people will always be ready for you. An app that automatically lets people know when you’re arriving to meet them while you’re on the way.ios-cover-artwork

The creators of the Tamad App have released their award nominated mobile app for free on Google Play for android users. An iOS iPhone version is in public beta testing with an official release scheduled for November 2016. The app is designed to help drivers as they travel to meet friends or clients by automatically sending an SMS telling people when they’ll arrive while they’re still travelling. In fact, they can choose when they want the message to be sent e.g. 10 minutes before arriving.

It uses a phone or tablets location while driving to work out how far the user is. When at the distance chosen distance ’10 minutes away’ from a destination an SMS is automatically sent forward.

6-screen-activeTamad beta testers included professionals such as mortgage brokers, delivery drivers, caterers and photographers who identified benefits such as;
1. Less knocking on doors. Friends and clients were ready before they arrived.
2. Reduced texting while driving. The app does it for them so it reduces a dangerous habit.
3. Recipient do NOT need the app installed. They’ll get the notification as an SMS. So anyone can receive the messages.

The app is operated in 4 simple steps;
1. Select a contact or enter a number
2. Enter a destination where you’ll be meeting the person
3. Choose a time when you want the Tamad to be sent
4. Press Send Tamad

One of the Tamad app’s signature features is a calendar sync tool. It works with a phones calendar to see when upcoming appointments are and helps users notify their appointments when en route.

Visit www.tamadapp.com for more information on the Tamad App including videos and instructions.


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Picture of Marcus Holmes

Marcus Holmes

Gentleman Technologist and co-founder of Startup News. His vision has made //SN a sustainable media cheerleader for the startup community. Former CEO of Phnom Penh Post, he can be found somewhere in S.E. Asia coding away...
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