Startups Sitting at the Edge of Tomorrow

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Startup News
// Startups often are at war with time. We are tempted to do-it-ourselves with our websites, our graphics, and our brochures. We find ourselves, like the characters in The Edge of Tomorrow, battling with an alien race of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tactics, Google Analytics options, online advertising, web coding details, and content strategies.

Startups often are at war with time. We are tempted to do-it-ourselves with our websites, our graphics, and our brochures. We find ourselves, like the characters in The Edge of Tomorrow, battling with an alien race of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tactics, Google Analytics options, online advertising, web coding details, and content strategies.

We get closer, and closer to taking our website live, but just can’t finish our website the way we want it. As startups, we are sitting at – the edge of tomorrow. We need our online marketing live, and the right traffic coming through our online advertising. And, through all of our battles with the various technical details, we often lose sight of our brand.

A startup’s brand ends up looking like an army of aliens built it.

Many startups, and small businesses end up with a fragmented story, and inconsistent graphics across their website, print, and social. We learn a lesson each time we repeat our website or brochure work. But we are in a never-ending looping battle with technology, content, and graphics.

Instead of sitting through an endless viewings of Google tutorial videos, get face to face with a local Perth website developer. Soon Weei of Hypercreative is one of the resources available to startups. His office is based out of the Nest in Victoria Park, a collaborative office space.

Understanding Local Startups

Soon Weei - Startups Sitting at the Edge of Tomorrow
Soon Weei

Soon was a startup business two and a half years ago. He understands how important being on-budget, affordable, and on-time is to a startup. He helps Perth-based small businesses, and entrepreneurs with:

[list style=”check-green”]
[list_item] WordPress, and mobile websites [/list_item]
[list_item] Online marketing, SEO, online advertising for local businesses [/list_item]
[list_item] e-Commerce, and online stores [/list_item]
[list_item] Graphics, and printing [/list_item]
[list_item] Microsoft Office templates, including PowerPoint presentations [/list_item]
[list_item] Banners, and cover photo graphics for social media [/list_item]

A Hub for Startup Services

Soon moved into the flexible office space at the Nest over a year ago. The office space gave him an opportunity to get to know more local business owners. He has grown through the networking, and referrals.

The collaborative office space has also helped Soon focus on his work, and provides a professional meeting place. For the past year, Soon has collaborated with other businesses in the office space – he finds the the collaborative space more productive than working at home. Hypercreative is both a customer and a service provider to the Nest community. He has benefited from fellow Nesters’ services, including James Irving – Lawyer, the Nest business mentoring, and Training for Growth sales seminars.

In the Nest, you’ll have all the support you need to take your business to greater heights.

We’re more than just a space; the Nest is a diverse collection of expertise and experiences, all in one place. You’ll never feel lost or overwhelmed in starting and growing your business. Come down to the Nest. Connect with a convenient, diverse network of business services. And, maybe call the Nest office space your startup home.

Contact Mark at [email protected] for details on the Nest’s flexible office space, and business services.

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