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Startup launches to help our towns

Picture of Charlie Gunningham
Charlie Gunningham
// // Ten years in the thinking, four years of planning and two years of building has led to the launch this week of a new site to connect people, property and the community...

// Ten years in the thinking, four years of planning and two years of building has led to the launch this week of a new site to connect people, property and the community…

Marc Drexel has had more than 30 years in the property industry, the last 5 years running and working with community groups.

His vision for an online place that can connect people, property, community giving them various tools and information has now come to fruition with the launch of OurTowns.

“With our initial release, the OurTowns website offers property and community, reports and tools; to help all better understand their communities, development sites and future ready homes,” Marc told Startup News.

“Our downloadable reports give [people] instant information on a property’s surrounding community, schools, R-Codes, titles, block sizes, validation for the property and more.”

Marc Drexel, OurTowns

Marc would love feedback on the new service, so if you are interested in real estate, development, and all that stuff, do jump on it and let him know in the feedback and contact area.

Startup launches to help our towns
The OurTowns website

“We will be expanding our technology to bring you an easy to use and reliable app with a convenient City of Vincent community directory for the general public, businesses, events and property very soon,” said Marc.

The site also incorporates free training so users can better understand the world of development analytics and property validation.

“The OurTowns development analytics reports save you time and money by giving you immediate results on a property’s R-Code, title, use and block size, a better understanding of a property’s development potential as well as insights into the surrounding education facilities and community analytics,” he said.

Meanwhile, the property validation area assesses the built form by measuring how a subject property manages its power, water, liveability and materials usage.

Further to this, the app can investigate how well located the property is within a community, its connection to transport and nature.

Startup launches to help our towns
The OurTowns app – coming soon to Apple and Android.

The community aspect of the service shows how different neighbouring suburbs can be, with the Community Analytics reports.

“For example, did you know that in Leederville a large percentage – 43.02% – of people rent their homes, whereas in Mt Hawthorn, renting isn’t as common with only 29.41% of people renting?” said Marc.


You can check out the OurTowns service on their website, and hook up with the team on their Facebook page or on Insta. The app will be out soon, on iOS and Android.

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Picture of Charlie Gunningham

Charlie Gunningham

Former co-founder, GM, CEO Business News and Accelerating Commercialisation adviser. Charlie has spent 20+ years in Perth's startup scene, as founder, mentor, adviser, writer and investor. There's nothing he likes more than helping early stage tech startups ... and drinking coffee, shiraz or playing in a blues band. Email Charlie here.
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