When I first heard about SK Games, based out in Fitzgerald Street in West Perth, I must admit I was a bit excited, the best part about this job is getting to interview cool new startups. But even better is when it involves something that’s close to my heart, something I grew up with, and something that got me into computers and programming at a young age.
I remember growing up in Alice Springs in the early 80’s, going down to Leon’s Arcade games parlour, and spending up all my 10 cent pieces on Space Invaders, Missile Command, Berzerker and Battle Tank.
This interview was going to be fun.
Then in walks Louis Roots, Director of SK Games, looking a bit hipsterish and every bit like I imagine a games creator guru to look like. And it turns out, a nice guy to boot, with modest plans for his company, and a social outlook on games production for the future.
SK Games are a Perth based social gaming maker that are really turning some ideas on their heads. Instead of making mass distributed mobile games, Louis is making limited run physical tabletop games to be enjoyed in a social settings such as pubs or in conjunction with other events or parties. He aims to just explore what can be done, and see what happens.
A cast back to the retro era are his hand made four sided table games and welcoming spectator involvement as well as those with the controls. He uses found and recycled computers, coffee tables and old furniture, wires them together and installs their custom games ready for use.
Currently in development and with no revenue, Louis is keen to find the right product/market fit, but in no hurry to commercialise or seek investment. True startup pioneers!
Watch the video of the interview, enjoy Louis’ story, get out and have a look at his shop, or go along to one of their weekly gatherings at the Flying Scotsman, I am sure you will have a good time.
SK Games Website is under construction, but get connected on Facebook