There were cheers, there were tears, there were winners, and some losers. That about sums up the 2014 OZAPP Awards.
After a long lead-up, plus a full a day of speeches, discussions, lectures, insights, panels, BBQ, pitches, more discussions, more speeches, afternoon tea and more speeches, we finally have a winner, a runner up, and some non-winners.
In the end, there could only be one winner, one runner up, and one special pre-revenue award winner.
There to present the awards was Larry Lopez, Director of local firm Australian Venture Consultants. Ponying up the major prize was Qualcomm, represented by Patrick Eggen from the US.
First up, there was Ollo Mobile, with Ken Macken and Hugh Geiger taking out the $100, 000 convertible note from QualComm. Ollo Mobile is a connectivity app allowing seniors to stay in touch with family members whilst living an active and independent life.
Second place went to Infinite Wardrobe, with Molly Taylor and Brendt Sheen collecting
And lastly, but not leastly(?) was the pre-revenue app concept prize of $10, 000, awarded to Project Tripod, with Jordan Knight making the trip over to collect the cash.
And the local heros, our very own startup Triplifier unfortunately didn’t make the grade, but Matt Fontana, John Daniels and Damian Hatton were still in good spirits, and probably about to get into even better spirits at the after party.
So that winds up OzAPP Awards for another year, congratulations to the winners, and lets look forward to another batch of startups next year.