The activities of government agencies can sometimes generate valuable intellectual property (IP) with potential to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to the community.
What happens to this IP, who owns it, how it can be commercialised (or not) … can be a minefield.
To get around this problem, the WA government released its new Intellectual Property Policy recently with the aim of “encouraging innovation within the public sector and unlocking opportunities for commercialisation.”
The new IP policy recognises the value of IP as a State asset, including artwork, designs, images, inventions, symbols and written names.
The IP Policy provides guidance on the creation, management and use of IP to assist WA Government agencies to optimise the benefits of their IP through commercialisation where appropriate and viable and consider how Government IP can facilitate positive outcomes for the community and State.
Specific guidance is provided to agencies on responsible IP management and protection, ownership of Government IP, commercialisation, divestment and the appropriate reward and recognition of WA public sector employees who develop significant and valuable IP.
The IP Policy can be found at:
The new policy was informed by consultation across a broad range of stakeholders, including through the public release of a Discussion Paper in October last year.
Minister for Innovation and the Digital Economy, and now also Science, Stephen Dawson MLC, welcomed the move.
This new policy is a real step forward for WA and will help drive a culture of innovation in the public sector.
Minister for Science, Innovation and the Digital Economy, Stephen Dawson MLC
We know the value of the talent in the public sector and this policy will help to harness it for the benefit of the State.