Murdoch and Perron Institute open Centre for Molecular Medicine

Picture of Charlie Gunningham
Charlie Gunningham
// The Governor of WA Kim Beazley and other dignitaries were on hand to open Murdoch University's Centre for Molecular Medicine and Innovative Therapeutics last week...

The Governor of WA Kim Beazley and other dignitaries were on hand to open Murdoch University’s Centre for Molecular Medicine and Innovative Therapeutics last week…

With funding from the Perron Institute, Murdoch Uni opened a new Centre for Molecular Medicine, which already houses 60 researchers working away on big challenges such as motor neuron disease, MS, solid cancers, Parkinson’s disease and blood diseases, among others.

Patron of the Perron Institute, and Governor of Western Australia, Kim Beazley opened the centre.

“Medical research is the beginning of hope for many,” said the Governor, “for their quality of life and life itself. This is such important work.”

Governor Kim Beazley
Murdoch and Perron Institute open Centre for Molecular Medicine
Professor Steve Wilton

The Director of the new centre, Professor Steve Wilton, called for a new approach.

“Modern medical science has tended to employ a ‘one size fits all’ approach to the treatment of disease.

“While some patients respond well to this, others show little benefit, or even worse, have adverse side effects.

“We are strongly committed to using innovative scientific tools to develop and measure the capacity of precision medicine to improve the outcome and well being of patients.”

The Centre will focus on:

  • Undertaking cutting edge research
  • Taking findings from the lab and translating these into commercial products, and
  • Fostering collaboration across the Centre’s research groups

“It’s far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has.”

Hippocrates, c 400 BC


Photos: Startup News. Main Image: Kim Beazley

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Picture of Charlie Gunningham

Charlie Gunningham

Former co-founder, GM, CEO Business News and Accelerating Commercialisation adviser. Charlie has spent 20+ years in Perth's startup scene, as founder, mentor, adviser, writer and investor. There's nothing he likes more than helping early stage tech startups ... and drinking coffee, shiraz or playing in a blues band. Email Charlie here.
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