LinkedIn – A Waste of Time for Startups or Helping Grow Your Bottom Line?

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Professional social media site LinkedIn is often overlooked as a time waster for Startups, but a Perth networking expert claims a good, current LinkedIn profile can generate new business efficiently.

Master networker Fleur Allen said many in business dismiss social media in general and lump LinkedIn in with Facebook and Twitter as a time waster that doesn’t give results.

“Startups, business owners and professionals are missing the point that LinkedIn is the online equivalent of traditional face to face business networking,” said Ms Allen.

“Too often business professionals claim they don’t have time for social media,” she said.

“This is simply a reflection of a lack of understanding on how to use it strategically and effectively.”

“Keeping up-to-date with changes in technology and communication is essential to continually generate new business.”

“All too often those new to business or needing to stimulate growth in their business believe they need to spend thousands in a variety of advertising forms when a current, interactive LinkedIn profile can achieve greater and more meaningful returns for free.”

“Most don’t realize that a free LinkedIn profile often appears on the first page of Google search results when their name is ‘Googled’ saving thousands on creating expensive websites, landing pages or search engine optimization to be found online.”

“Having a current LinkedIn profile to reflect a professional’s current experience and qualifications is worth the short amount of time needed to achieve this.”

Ms Allen said all professionals seeking new business could benefit from the following tips:Fleur Allen

  • Create a free LinkedIn profile: To be found online through Google searches easily and for free. Not everyone you meet will keep your business card but often they will remember your name.
  • Every Quarter Review and update your LinkedIn profile: Include experiences and outcomes such as developing projects and relevant activities you’re involved with particularly if you haven’t changed position in some time.
  • Connect with those you meet during traditional face to face networking: be mindful that LinkedIn is the online version of business networking and is a good way to stay ‘top of mind’ and be remembered by those you meet.
  • Interact with your LinkedIn connections: At least once a week write a post about a relevant business activity. For example, an event you’re involved in or a great client experience you had or an award you were nominated for or won.
  • Build and engage in your community: you are creating a community of like-minded people in business that you can efficiently keep up-to-date in a time when many are experiencing email overwhelm and opting out of enewsletter lists.

Ms Allen said the rewards received by spending a minimum of one hour per week to update your profile and engage your audience of contacts will result in a return on investment of your time.

Business professionals interested in more detail on how to get strategic in their face to face and online business networking efforts can find out more by connecting with Ms Allen at
About Fleur Allen

[box style=”info”] Ms Allen is Australia’s master networker. With over 25 years using networking to make new connections and new business across a range of industries throughout her professional career. She now teaches her knowledge and skills as a networking trainer sharing the power of combining online tools with face to face networking events; holding monthly networking meetings in Perth with plans to expand to Brisbane, Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne and Sydney.The next meetings are 13 August and 10 September.  [/box]

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