We’re at Startup Weekend Perth this weekend, and finally one of the teams figured out we’re a possible source of customer validation and asked us to publish their thing. We’re all about supporting new Perth startups, so here they are:
A new platform for quick & easy donations
Have you ever felt like donating to a charity but don’t want the hassle involved in signing up and committing to the cause? 60% of charity donors report that they prefer to make small, frequent, once-off donation to causes of their choice. Furthermore, 70% rate convenience as a very high-impacting factor that directly influences their actual donation rates.
Generous, a StartUp Weekend Perth enterprise, is responding to this consumer desire via a platform that allows online media consumers to donate to causes relevant to the stories they are reading. It all happens at the click of a mouse.
This is great news for Australia’s not-for-profit sector as it provides a low cost pathway to new potential donors at a point in time when they are most empathetic to the cause they are reading about.
The Generous platform will deliver an easy to use button icon, similar to a social plugin icon that allows users to make a quick donation to a charity relevant to the content on the news article. eg. A news story talking about the issue of poverty in Australia may offer a charity such as Oxfam Australia as a relevant charity for a quick, small donation.
It is also timely news for Australia’s struggling media providers, not only does it provide a constant reminder of their corporate social values, but also acts as a new source for content related website on their sites.
Generous themselves, as a not-for-profit, is seeking to test their concept by inviting donors to contribute to the development of this targeted, simplified and accelerated donation process. If you are interested in our concept please share this article and our facebook page. Go on #BeGenerous!
In a time where only 4.8% of tech companies founded in Australia go onto to become a successfull global business, the group is looking for any donations & feedback to help with validating the idea.
The Generous website is live at www.ugenerous.com
Twitter (https://twitter.com/Generous_App)
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/UGenerous)