Bridge Hub 2020 Water Challenge: applications open now

Picture of Sebastian Tofts-Len
Sebastian Tofts-Len
// // The Bridge Hub 2020 Water Challenge seeks startup solutions that can change the status quo of water within the agri supply system...

// The Bridge Hub 2020 Water Challenge seeks startup solutions that can change the status quo of water within the agri supply system…

According to the co-founder of Bridge Hub, Craig Shapiro, “big problems like drought can be unlocked with the help of startups.”

The Bridge Hub 2020 Water Challenge will bring together experts, researchers and innovators from Australia, New Zealand and Israel to address the critical issue of better managing water across the entire agri supply chain.

The best Australian and New Zealand startup solutions will win not only a cash prize, but access to the Bridge Hub global network and an opportunity to establish a trial in Australia. The best Israeli startup solution will receive a prize to fund a visit to Australia to establish a trial.

“Through the 2020 Water Challenge, we are looking for practical solutions to the water problems across our agri supply chain. If we can unlock and solve the many water issues we face, it will help us tackle the really big picture issues such as drought.”

Craig Shapiro, co-founder of Bridge Hub

The challenge

The Bridge Hub 2020 Water Challenge is looking for winning, innovative solutions that address one of the following challenge questions:

  1. How can the agrisystem use less water and increase productivity and profitability?
  2. How can we ensure the quality of water optimises the outcomes for the agrisystem and the environment?
  3. How can we turn arid agricultural areas into vibrant, sustainable and productive regions?
  4. How can different sectors outside the agrisystem align to optimise water usage?
Bridge Hub 2020 Water Challenge: applications open now
Brainstorming ideas (Image supplied)

Australian startup prize

The startup stream of the 2020 Water Challenge is sponsored by Commonwealth Bank. The Bank’s Executive General Manager, Regional and Agribusiness Banking, Grant Cairns, says the Challenge will help position Australia to face future droughts.

“Water is a critical concern for the entire agricultural sector and it is going to take a sustained effort from industry, government, researchers and the private sector to develop the right way forward. This program is going to play an important role in not only seeking out solutions but ensuring those solutions can be applied at scale to make a real impact.”

Grant Cairns, Executive General Manager, Regional and Agribusiness Banking at the Commonwealth Bank

Craig Shapiro says the challenge will delivers a number of benefits.

“I’m really excited by the many ways the Water Challenge can have a positive impact on the agri supply chain, from provoking people to consider the problems around water to unlocking solutions that will lead to economic, social and environmental benefits.”

Craig Shapiro, co-founder of Bridge Hub

In addition to the startup prizes there are also research and student prizes in both Australia and New Zealand. Additionally, there is a Trans-Tasman prize for collaborative research projects. There is a total prize pool of $250,000 in cash and investment.

Applications close 7 August 2020.


For more information on how to apply, please visit

MAIN IMAGE: Taken from the Bridge Hub 2020 Water Challenge home page.

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Picture of Sebastian Tofts-Len

Sebastian Tofts-Len

Sebastian is an undergraduate economics student and research assistant at Curtin University. He mainly writes on startup funding, launches, events and grant programs.
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