Become An Angel Investor: AirTree Explorer Applications Close Soon

Picture of Em Jones
Em Jones

While Angel investing has many advantages, it can be daunting for beginners. But like any other venture, expertise and knowledge can be the key enablers that help you reap the benefits of being an angel investor. 

Embarking on your journey into the world of angel investing has never been more accessible, thanks to the AirTree Explorer Program. 

What is the AirTree Explorer Program?

Did you know there has been a decline in seed-stage investment in Australia and New Zealand?

The best way to entice investors is through education, which is exactly what the AirTree Explorer Program is about — and it’s now open for applications for those who want to become the next generation of angel investors. 

According to Jess Walker, AirTree Community and Programs Manager, more diverse investors mean more diverse investments — a win for everyone. 

Here’s what you get with the AirTree Explorer Program:

  • World-class insights and an Angel Investing 101 education
  • Access to one of the best Angel Investor networks in Australia and New Zealand
  • A sneak peek into AirTree’s internal investment committee meetings
  • The basics of due diligence
  • Exclusive AirTree Explorer networking and parties

What to Expect from the AirTree Explorer Program

The AirTree Explorer Program is completely free, and applications are now open

Applications can be submitted until Friday, February 2, 2024. All classes and workshops are conducted online, giving more Australians and New Zealanders a chance to complete the program. 

The program starts on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 12:00 pm AEDT and ends on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at the same time. 

Cohorts will also be invited to join the exclusive AirTree Explorer community through AirTree’s private Slack channel. They will also be invited to in-person events, which are a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn more from some of AirTree’s Explorer alumni. 

Learning Flexibility

One of the best things about the AirTree Explorer Program is you have the freedom to learn about angel investing at your pace. Some people have more time than others, which is why the program consists of three sections:

  • Fortnight Workshops — each cohort will spend 1.5 hours each fortnight learning from an AirTree partner or expert.
  • Community Catchups — meet and discuss lessons and potential investments weekly to garner insights into the realm of angel investing.
  • Explorers in the Wild — attend local events and pitch nights where you can practice what you’ve learned with founders and entrepreneurs within the startup ecosystem.

What AirTree Explorer Program Graduates Have to Say

Negar Mokhtarnia, a principal product manager at Woolies, knew next to nothing about angel investing before becoming a member of the Explorer Cohort 6. She said the program put her on the right track in her angel investing journey. 

“From knowing nothing about angel investing then having the best, most efficient path to go down, learn what I need to learn, meet the people I need to meet, and get the confidence I need to go out there and become an angel investor,” Mokhtarnia said of the program. 

Michael Stocks, former marketing and operations leader of LinkTree, also enjoyed his post-program journey. 

“I think the really cool part now that we’ve finished the program is joining an alumni with a few hundred people who are really passionate about investing,” said Stocks. 

There are now over 300 Explorers in Australia and New Zealand. You can join the ranks by applying for the program here.

Featured image credit: AirTree’s sixth cohort of Explorers

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Em Jones

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