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Australia’s first DICE-certified conference in WA

Picture of Desiree Durrani
Desiree Durrani
// // This year's State of Social Conference brings together the best of an accessible, diverse industry - a first in Australia.

The 4th annual State of Social Conference to be held in Perth, WA will take place across 24 and 25 August 2021, but unlike its predecessors, it has achieved the world-renowned Diversity and Inclusion in Conference and Events (DICE) certification – a first for Australia.

The DICE Charter provides certification and guidance to help conferences and events deliver a representative and diverse set of speakers, perspectives and attendees. Certification is built on a scored set of self-regulatory guidelines across gender, race, age, class and education, disability and neurodiversity, hate speech, marketing and general accessibility.

Australia's first DICE-certified conference in WA
Participants at the State of Social ’20. Image supplied by Meg Coffey.

Meg Coffey, founder of State of Social believes that this is a step in the right direction of a more accessible, diverse future.

Accessibility isn’t just a hot buzzword – it’s something we all need to be taking seriously. Posting a black square on Instagram and hoping for the best isn’t going to effect change but making a concerted effort to be inclusive in all aspects of our business will.

Meg Coffey, State of Social Founder

“I am thrilled to be the first Australian event to be DICE certified and hope that this not only broadens the conversation around accessibility and Inclusion at all levels but shines a light on how we can incorporate it into our daily business activities too,” she said.

Every year since inception, the State of Social Conference aims to bring the most dynamic and thought-provoking industry experts from around the world to discuss and learn best in practice digital and social media marketing.

This year’s conference theme is ‘Tame the Chaos‘, focused on finding opportunities amidst a global pandemic and staying ahead. With two days of killer keynotes, discussions and breakout brainstorms on the latest trends and strategies, this event is not to be missed.


To find out more information about this year’s State of Social Conference and grab your last minute tickets, click here.

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Picture of Desiree Durrani

Desiree Durrani

When not working on a creative project or typing away behind a screen, Desiree can be found watching the football (the round one!), volunteering at motorsport events in Western Australia or listening to "Rock DJ" on repeat.
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