Assistance in these difficult times: mental health training recovery app

Picture of Sebastian Tofts-Len
Sebastian Tofts-Len
// // WA-based tech startup, Tap into Safety have created a mobile friendly platform to combat declining mental health...

// WA-based tech startup, Tap into Safety has created a mobile friendly platform to combat mental health issues…

In the past month, businesses have been quick to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances caused by COVID-19, moving employees to working from home.

But with this change of working comes possible loneliness and isolation, difficulties connecting with others, problems keeping productivity up, and issues separating work from general home life.

Due to the uncertainty, ambiguity and radical change occurring everyday, it can be hard to keep up with all the relevant news. Or too much of it. As a result, there is growing concern that there will be a significant rise in stress and anxiety issues.

The Australian Government has put out a Health Plan to assist people during these uncertain times. Other organisations, like the Black Dog Institute and Ramsay Health Care have also been publishing advice to workers and organisations.

One of the things organisations can do to reinforce a positive state of mental health and ensure the psychological safety of their employees, is to provide mental health training.

Assistance in these difficult times: mental health training recovery app

Employees need to learn coping strategies when things get tough, as their stress and anxiety levels rise. They also need to know who to reach out to when they need help.

Traditional mental health training is face-to-face and usually delivered in a classroom or workshop. Given that these options are out for now, an online and mobile-friendly mental health training is the obvious solution.

The Solution

Assistance in these difficult times: mental health training recovery app
Dr Susanne Bahn, Tap into Safety

Tap into Safety is a WA-based tech startup founded by Dr Susanne Bahn in 2014.

Susanne is an expert in health and safety with 13 years of safety consultancy experience and research.

Her technology has always aimed to make safety training (dealing with safety hazards) more interactive, and therefore more engaging.

Tap into Safety has adapted to these new COVID-19 conditions by providing comprehensive online mental health training to teach coping strategies and encourage help-seeking to those working remotely.

There are 10 dedicated modules available:

  1. Helping Employees with Mental Health Concerns
  2. Depressive Thoughts and Alcohol Abuse
  3. Working from Home
  4. Managing Your Employees
  5. Signs of Declining Mental Health in Employees
  6. Fear of Job Loss
  7. Domestic Abuse
  8. Fatigue Management
  9. Financial Stress
  10. Gambling Addiction

We have made access to the platform low-cost and easy-entry to suit SME’s and larger firms. There are no lock in contracts or subscription fees.

Clients simply pay for what they use via our $10 per use credits model. The minimum credits to get started is 20 and that only costs $200. For that clients get access to the entire platform where they can choose the modules they wish to use.

Dr Susanne Bahn, Director/CEO of Tap into Safety


A 7-day free trial is available here.

For more information, please visit the Tap into Safety website.

To contact Tap into Safety, visit here or phone 1300 901 849.

MAIN IMAGE: Tap into Safety Logo

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Picture of Sebastian Tofts-Len

Sebastian Tofts-Len

Sebastian is an undergraduate economics student and research assistant at Curtin University. He mainly writes on startup funding, launches, events and grant programs.
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