Startup Scene Events June 13-24 2016

Picture of Marcus Holmes
Marcus Holmes

Here’s what’s happening in the Perth Startup Scene for the next fortnight:

PLUG (Perth Linux Users Group) monthly meetup
When: Tuesday 14th 6pm
Where: Spacecubed
Cost: Free (gold coin donation from non-members for consumables)
Matt Johnston talks about Dropbear – an OSS SSH server

Morning Startup meetup
When: Wednesday 15th 7:30am
Where: Spacecubed
Cost: Free
The team from //Startup News talk about the recent revamp (woot!)

FI Startup Masterclass
When: Wednesday 15th 5:30pm
Where: Spacecubed
Cost: Free
Founder’s Institute giving a talk on how to startup.

Lean Startup meetup
When: Wednesday 15th 6pm
Where: Dome, South Perth
Cost: Free
The regular Lean Startup weekly get-together, talking about Government support for startups

Enkel Community Catchup meetup
When: Thursday 16th 7:30pm
Where: Vic Park MinLab
Cost: Free
The regular Enkel community catchup

Internet Of Everything meetup
When: Wednesday 22nd 5pm
Where: Microsoft, lvl 3 Enex 100
Cost: Free
Discussing IoT, Analytics and Cycling

Lean Startup meetup
When: Wednesday 22nd
Where: Dome, South Perth
Cost: Free
How can LSP best help founders?

Griffith Hack – IP Amplified: Trademarks
When: Friday 24th 9:30am
Where: Spacecubed
Cost: Free
Griffith Hack talk trademarks as IP protection

Silicon Beach Perth
When: Friday 24th 6pm
Where: Sync Labs
Cost: Free
The regular fortnightly get-together

If you’re running an event and you’d like //Startup News readers to know about it, let us know!

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Picture of Marcus Holmes

Marcus Holmes

Gentleman Technologist and co-founder of Startup News. His vision has made //SN a sustainable media cheerleader for the startup community. Former CEO of Phnom Penh Post, he can be found somewhere in S.E. Asia coding away...
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