Startup Community Events 5th – 16th September

Picture of Marcus Holmes
Marcus Holmes

Your regular fortnightly guide to the good stuff going on in the community.

eGroup WA September Forum
When: Tuesday 6th September 5:30pm
Where: Wrays, 56 Ord St, West Perth
Cost: Free / Membership
eGroup’s regular monthly forum meeting

Morning Startup
When: Wednesday 7th September 7:30am
Where: Spacecubed
Cost: Free
Your fortnightly dose of early-morning inspiration. Andy Lamb is singing for this one apparently.

Ruby on Rails InstallFest
When: Wednesday 14th September 5:30pm
Where: Spacecubed
Cost: Free
Install Rails and get your start into coding

Ernst & Young Panel Discussion on Investment Incentive Scheme
When: Thursday 15th September 5:30pm
Where: EY Building (level 5) 11 Mounts Bay Rd
Cost: Free
Link: RSVP to  [email protected]
EY host a panel discussion on the new investment incentives

Silicon Beach Perth
When: Friday 16th September 5:30pm
Where: Sync Labs, Leederville
Cost: Free
The regular fortnightly meetup at Sync Labs

Note that the Perth {Web} Girls event planned for Saturday September 17th has been postponed to December.

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Picture of Marcus Holmes

Marcus Holmes

Gentleman Technologist and co-founder of Startup News. His vision has made //SN a sustainable media cheerleader for the startup community. Former CEO of Phnom Penh Post, he can be found somewhere in S.E. Asia coding away...
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