Curtin Ignition 2014 interview: Dennis Savic

Picture of Marcus Holmes
Marcus Holmes
// At the recent Curtin Ignition programme I got the chance to interview some of the attendees. Find out what Dennis Savic has on his mind.

At the recent Curtin Ignition programme I got the chance to interview some of the attendees. Find out what Dennis Savic has on his mind.

//SN: You’ve been here at Curtin Ignition all week, how has it been, can you describe the experience?
DS: Very intense, very beneficial and it’s just such a great opportunity, I actually feel very fortunate to be here and to be invited to come. The amount of expertise in the room was just insane.

Dennis Savic

//SN: So what’s your idea?
DS: I’m a little bit different to most of the other delegates here in that I’m using one of my products as a vessel to learn the process.

My startup will be launching in November and it will be a product development business essentially so providing that as a service and showing people the way to commercialise their product, mainly focussing at consumer goods.

So if someone has an idea, we do the market research, I do the industrial design, I do the engineering, I have the manufacturers in china, the R&D tax, I show them how to do that, so just really how to maximise and predict what they are going to get back for their investment in their own product.

//SN: So this all about consumer goods as in actual physical items, not doing software products?

DS: Yes, generally, this is all about physical manufacturable items.

//SN: Tell me how Curtin Ignition has moved that forward?

DS: Basically its given me more guidance on the market research side of things, I’ve been with the Innovation Centre for a year and a half almost, so I’ve learned a lot through that process, and now Curtin Ignition has given me a cue on a few things to focus on and quotes to push me along the way.

All the feedback that I’ve gotten for my company ideas has been great so I’m very excited.

//SN: What’s your next step for the business?

DS: Well, finish my degree, I’m still at uni, so finish my degree off, when I’m all done I can focus on my business 100%. Next step is, I have about four clients ready, working on a product equity basis, and I suppose the next step is to get some cash in the door. Then confirm my manufacturing relationship in China in December when I go over there, then get my website going and try and establish a decent location to operate from.

Brilliant, thanks for that Dennis, good luck with DESAV Design.

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Picture of Marcus Holmes

Marcus Holmes

Gentleman Technologist and co-founder of Startup News. His vision has made //SN a sustainable media cheerleader for the startup community. Former CEO of Phnom Penh Post, he can be found somewhere in S.E. Asia coding away...
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