Congrats! 3 Perth Startups Off To Tech23

Picture of Marcus Holmes
Marcus Holmes
// Of the 23 startups chosen to pitch at Tech23 in Sydney, three of them are from Perth. Congratulations to AppBotX, GeoMoby and SkryData!

Tech23 is an annual innovation event in Sydney, and they’ve chosen 23 startups to pitch there, including three of our very own!

Congrats to AppBotX, GeoMoby and SkryData for getting in to pitch at Tech23!

Local legend Stuart Hall from AppBotX had this to say:

“It’s an honour to be chosen along side such great Australian companies and we are really looking forward to pitching on the day.”

The official media release from Tech23 is:

Tech23 2014 companies announced!

SYDNEY: The 23 young, innovative technology companies who will be presenting at the sixth annual Tech23 2014 have been announced!

The technology innovations featured this year range from big data technologies to location services, enterprise applications to healthcare. One Tech23 company, Sound Scouts, has developed an app which looks like a game but doubles as a diagnostic tool for hearing loss in primary school-aged children. LEAPIN Digital Keys has invented a smartlock system which requires no onsite power or infrastructure. Skrydata has created technology to predict the future based on big data analytics.

Tech23 is the national celebration of innovation, with founders hailing from NSW, QLD, VIC, WA, SA, and one from the ACT.

“People are innovating across Australia, and it’s great to see the breadth of the nation represented amongst the clever technologies being presented at Tech23 this year,” said Rachel Slattery, Director of SlatteryIT.

The founders presenting are also a diverse group, involving some very young entrepreneurs still completing their undergraduate degree and others with decades of experience and multiple startups under their belt.

Slattery believes bringing together this range of backgrounds and experience is what makes the Tech23 event outstanding.

“When Tech23 started six years ago, it was all about creating connections. It’s great to see this happening even more now, as Tech23 alumni companies and founders, Industry Leaders, sponsors and supporters go out of their way to help the next wave of innovative companies,” she said. “It’s exciting to see how many Alumni have pitched in.”

Australian tech superstars Michelle Deaker, Leni Mayo, David Spence and Richard White are among the Industry Leaders who will question and advise the 23 companies on the day.

Many former Tech23 companies have donated a bevy of prizes, including a trip to Boston from bigtincan, valuable mentoring sessions with the likes of Jonathan Barouch (Local Measure founder), John Palfreyman (Chairman of IPscape) and the founders of BugHerd.

Tech23 is facilitating important connections with enterprise too, with PayPal, REA Group, Citrix, and ThoughtWorks contributing to the prize pool as well as ATP Innovations and SIRCA.

Tech23 2014 takes place on Thursday 23 October 2014 in Sydney and will feature five minute presentations from the 23 selected companies and commentary from Industry Leaders. The day concludes with the awarding of prizes.

Tech23 2014 is sponsored by NICTA, ASX, Bendigo Bank, Citrix, CSIRO, Suncorp, AusIndustry, London & Partners, MYOB, and UNSW:AGSM.

The Tech23 2014 companies are:

Appbot – Better app reviews and more sales

AUUG – Make music through motion

Bluedot Innovation – Precise, battery friendly location services

Clevertar – Clever avatars for innovative aged care

Clipp – The bar tab app: Open – Share – Pay

Doarama – 3D GPS track visualisation

GeoMoby – Proximity platform for mobile apps

Global and Smart – The story behind the good

GoFar – Cutting car costs through informed driving

Intelligent Fleet Logistics – Vehicle routing and scheduling optimisation

LEAPIN Digital Keys – A smartphone enabled access control system

Maestrano – One-click interconnected business apps for SMEs

Mika Compliance – Aged care management software / resource portal

Oar Inspired – Make every stroke count

Peepable – Liberating online video though search and shareability

Pop Tech – Transact instantly and control your data

Red Eye – Cloud based engineering drawing management solution

Robological – Robotics in the cloud and beyond

Skrydata – Discovering the value in big data

Sound Scouts – Harnessing games to help our health

Statsilk – Interactive mapping and visualisation software

Tzukuri – Beautiful wearable technology

uSig – Breakthrough in password and identity management

So 3 Perth startups from 23 national is slightly over our population percentage, which bears out our theory that Perth is more creative and vibrant than those lesser cities over east 🙂

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Picture of Marcus Holmes

Marcus Holmes

Gentleman Technologist and co-founder of Startup News. His vision has made //SN a sustainable media cheerleader for the startup community. Former CEO of Phnom Penh Post, he can be found somewhere in S.E. Asia coding away...
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