ACS WA Branch Forum Event. Website Accessibility

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Startup News

Website Accessibility: Maximizing your opportunities or crippling your potential

Did you know that one in five Australians has a disability affecting their education, transportation or employment? Few businesses can afford to lose up to 20% of their potential customers.

As of December 31, 2013, all websites in Australia, whether government or not, are required to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) to at least Level AA. While government agencies have started to make changes, for the most part, these requirements are being ignored by corporate Australia. An inaccessible website leaves the organisation exposed to costly litigation.

Discover how your website can reach 20% more customers. Demonstrate you care about the needs of your users. Downgrade the risk of charges, suits and court costs. WCAG 2.0 is now ISO 40500:2012 – determine how you can achieve this essential ISO compliance.

“Website Accessibility’ is the digital equivalent of the wheelchair ramp.

Don’t marginalise your potential!

About this Event

Venue: Empyrean Function Centre 12 Lake Street, Northbridge

Date: Tuesday 18th February 2014

Time: 5:30PM

via Event Details | Australian Computer Society.

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