These events are imported from Meetup and Eventbrite group pages. Please check the links for up-to-date details.
To see an overview of all major events of the year, go to the ‘WA Innovation Calendar 2003 – YEAR OVERVIEW’
Join us in Perth’s hub of art, culture and technology on Tuesday 21st March for our THIRD Pitch Night in partnership with the WA Museum, helping as many WA Startups as we can to accelerate their journey!
This year we’re focusing on the new global movement towards Net Positivity. All across the globe, more companies and innovators are working towards putting back more into society, the environment and the global economy than they take out. This means taking into consideration your impact through every product, every operation, every region and country and for every stakeholder, including employees, suppliers, communities and customers, and even future generations and the planet itself.
Less ‘bad’ leads us down the wrong path. We should be creating MORE good. Net Zero is not the end goal.
What does the night look like?
If you’d like to have your WA startup event automatically displaying on this calendar, please email [email protected] your Meetup or Eventbrite group/events page links.