Startup News


Startups and the Great Techie Shortage

Matt Barrie heaved himself onto his hind legs recently to hold forth about how Australia is never going to have an #ideasboom until someone else fixes his recruitment problem.

Designers desk

Designers Perspective on the //SN Overhaul

Rather than just let the pretty stuff show, we thought it would be interesting to readers to give a ‘behind the scenes’ on why various decisions were made during the

Website Statistics

Top 10 Articles for Q1 2016

Want to know what interests our audience? We’ve taken a dig around our audience statistics, and present to you, the most viewed articles for the period 1 Jan – 31

Week that was

The Week That Was (End of the Week Wrap)

Here’s a super quick wrap up of news this week from the Perth startup ecosystem. Next Wednesday, Rob Nathan and Matt Macfarlane are talking how to raise capital for Founders

Scancam’s Story

Scancam are a Perth startup solving a big problem for petrol stations. This is their press release about their story so far.


Why is raising investment seen as success?

I’ve been puzzled for a long time now why every gleaming eyed founder with a half-baked idea feels they need to raise outside money to make their business work. If

SWPerth8 Videos and Photos

Beacham Group captured the final pitches from Startup Weekend #8 in all their glory. Jasmine Nielsen also took a bunch of photos and wanted to share them. So here they

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