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World’s first flexible workspace ‘Health-Coach-in-Residence’ debuts in Perth

Picture of Melissa Sheil
Melissa Sheil
// // Perth based co-working space business Liberty is introducing what it believes is a world’s first in-house health coach service.

// Perth based co-working space business Liberty is introducing what it believes is a world’s first in-house health coach service.

With the recent explosion of the number and variety of co-working spaces on offer in Perth and WA (see our curated list of 55 ‘co-working spaces’ here) comes the need for such spaces to retain relevance and offer a variety of services for their community.

The multi-use, co-working office space rental agency Liberty Flexible Workspace spotted a gap in the market.

The importance of health and wellness support in corporations is increasingly growing. Seeing a lack of it in their client’s businesses, Liberty took the initiative to provide it themselves.

Partnering with GeneLife Australia, Liberty provides the businesses using their workspace easy access to health coaches.

Nutrition, fitness and sustainable wellness advice is made accessible to those who often need it most.

Time poor business people need not look far

Liberty CEO Jamie Vine saw the success of their recent partnership with RUOK, the mental wellbeing charity with the businesses and thought: Why not extend this to physical health?

World’s first flexible workspace ‘Health-Coach-in-Residence’ debuts in Perth
Liberty CEO Jamie Vine wants to support his clients physical and mental health

“We think by providing this in-house health coach we can help clients that want to change their health trajectory and accelerate weight loss, increase energy, improve stress and sleep, enhance cognitive function and develop strength and stamina. And that can only benefit the businesses they work in.”

Jamie Vine

Working in sedentary environment for long periods of time – perhaps coding away – leaves little time for physical exercise. Proper nutrition is often a low priority.

“Businesses, and business-people are more and more attuned to the stress, sleep, and work-life balance that effects their short-term productivity and long-term risks for ill health” said Mr Vine.

Tailored from experience

The Health Coach service is being provided by Nick Eggleton of GeneLife Australia.

World’s first flexible workspace ‘Health-Coach-in-Residence’ debuts in Perth
Feeling Great: Nick Eggleton, founder of GeneLife Australia

Mr Eggleton speaks from personal experience in his endorsement of the program.

“As a business executive the wrong side of 40 I realised one day I was a little heavier than I’d like, more tired, less patient, less productive. Many people like me [have] tried dieting, hitting the gym, but all with limited success.

I discovered the secrets and lost 38 kilos. I resolved to help more people like me feel these benefits.”

Nick Eggleton

Supported by scientifically validated wellness principles, the GeneLife approach centres on balance between work and health.

Prided on helping high-achieving executives get healthy through simple programmes, GeneLife provides sustainable long-term nutrition, exercise and lifestyle changes for both immediate health improvements and for long-term wellness.

Focused attention on Liberty clients

Health coaches work with the clients individually or in small groups to help them improve their health and then continue maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Liberty clients at all locations will be provided with free initial health audits and discounts on its programmes and events.

GeneLife run monthly workshops where clients of Liberty receive priority access and discounted rates.

Time will tell as to whether this becomes a staple of all co-working (and other) work spaces.


For more information on Liberty Flexible workspaces visit

For more information on GeneLife Australia visit

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Picture of Melissa Sheil

Melissa Sheil

Melissa is a journalist, currently based in Europe. She has experience writing about the Australian music scene, parenting and real estate.
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