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Startup Story: Heryati from Perth Tribe

Picture of Miles Burke
Miles Burke
Heryati from Perth Tribe

I recently got the chance to talk with Heryati from Perth Tribe, about where this one year old events newsletter for Perth families is heading. Here’s what was discussed.

//SN: Hi Heryati, tell me a little about what Perth Tribe is all about.

Perth Tribe is a weekly email newsletter with a listing of at least 12 events for the coming week. It gets sent out every Wednesday and there are events everyday to keep subscribers busy every day of the week, until the next newsletter.

These events are carefully selected to cater to a mixed age group; toddlers, kids, teenagers and even adults. Majority of these events are free, and if there was an entry fee, it is never more than $10 per person. These events include monthly craft markets, carnivals, playgroup sessions and exhibitions found in Perth.

//SN: Who is the perfect subscriber for Perth Tribe?

Perth Tribe is a family friendly newsletter. It caters to anyone in the family. The great thing about Perth Tribe newsletter is that it is for anyone and everyone who lives Perth, or even for tourist who have plans on visiting Perth!

While it may be targeted for parents, some feedback I received from current young subscribers mentioned that they show interest in attending events listed on the newsletter together with their family and friends.

In other words, Perth Tribe is for anyone and everyone who wants to turn their dull weekend into something exciting and having something to talk about when they are back at work or school.

//SN: What’s your biggest challenge at the moment?

My biggest challenge is getting the word out about Perth Tribe to people and getting them to subscribe to the newsletter. I may have a lot of followers on Facebook and Twitter but it is not enough.

I am currently sharing the Facebook page, boosting posts and tweeting current happenings. I have also printed limited edition Perth Tribe stickers and have been handing them out to local shop or business owners at local pop-up markets.

I want to reach out to the people in Perth, helping them fill their days with fun filled activities with family and friends.

Perth Tribe stickers
Perth Tribe stickers

//SN: What lessons can you share with us in the process to date?

It pays to be nice to people. Not that I am not a nice person, but I realised that if you are willing to learn from anyone and everyone, they are willing to teach. Otherwise, do not be afraid to ask for help. Some people with turn you down, but it is not the end of the world.

I use the 3 Rs; Read. Research. Reach out. I believe to make it big you have got to do lots of reading about how you can sustain your business. Then do research about the happenings in your local community (if that is your targeted audience). Don’t forget to reach out and ask for comments and criticism, as it helps to figure out which area you would need to work on more.

And I never use the word ‘If’. Instead, I use the word ‘When’. Using the word ‘if’ only means that you don’t want it to work. Compare the statement: “If my business works out…” to “When my business works out…” or “If I find a job…” to “When I find a job…”. Epic difference.

//SN: What’s your plan for revenue? Seems like I can subscribe for free. Will this model be the same in 12 months time?

Currently, I am selling advertisement banners in each edition, and am always looking out for interested local businesses who are interested in advertising in Perth Tribe. My target is to double subscribers by the end of the year. Mission impossible? Possible, I believe.

In 12 months time with increased subscriber numbers that I am targeted to have, I am hoping to run competitions and look for other revenue streams.

And like any other startups, I want to make it big!

//SN: If there’s one tip that you would suggest to someone with an early stage startup idea, what would it be?

Christopher Gardner (Go watch Will Smith’s Pursuit of Happiness) once said, ”If you want something, go get it. Period.”

Don’t wait for the door to open. Don’t wait for someone to open the door for you. Go and open the door yourself. And remember that when a door closes on you, there’s always the window… unless you are in the storage room!

//SN: Thank you so much, Heryati, I look forward to watching Perth Tribe get even bigger traction.

Disclaimer: I work with Heryati in her day job, at Bam Creative.

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Picture of Miles Burke

Miles Burke

Miles is the founder of employee survey start-up, 6Q, Founder & MD of an award-winning Perth digital marketing agency, and curates the Australian Software Guide.
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