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Tuggle Tries Equity Crowdsharing

Tuggle Tries Equity Crowdsharing – We talk with Ankur Sharda, creator of Tuggle about his new idea for Equity Crowdsharing

James Irving

Sometimes, It’s Good To Be Careful

Marcus Holmes, in his article “Ideas Are Worthless!” (Feb 10, 2014), correctly points out that an idea, by itself, isn’t worth very much. If a person has an idea, but can’t develop it into a product or service, and can’t deliver that product or service effectively to a market, what is it really worth? Accordingly, from Marcus’ point of view, NDA’s (non-disclosure agreements to protect confidentiality) are also pretty much pointless. Unless you have the resources and the stamina to run a court case to enforce the NDA, usually against a better-resourced opponent, what use are they, really?