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atomic sky

Atomic Sky Focuses on Fintech & Data

Atomic Sky and TechHub are well-known names in the Perth Startup space. They have recently re-organised and decided to focus their attention on the FinTech, IoT and Data-Driven startup markets

UWA Promotes Entrepreneurship Through Start Something

Last week marked the conclusion of the Start Something Program at the University of Western Australia, a UWA Innovation Quarter Initiative established to develop, promote and foster entrepreneurship within the university

Sam’s Super Fun Fusion Recap

The Atomic Sky Fusion Founder Program wrapped up last week. Here’s Sam Mead’s, Fusion Founder director, recap of the 12 weeks of the program.

Atomic Sky & Witan Corporate Innovation Consulting

Continuing the trend of everyone getting into corporate innovation consulting, Atomic Sky have partnered up with Witan to provide larger corporates with advice from the frontline of the startup revolution.