Two years on from their vodka launch, Mitch and Mary Smilovitis the husband-and-wife duo from Smilov Spirits have released their second product, Lavender Purple Gin.
Produced in Margaret River, their premium gin has a “traditional dry flavour with strong Juniper and Citrus notes”, along with the “highlighting the “floral minty delicate characters of Lavender”.
To complement this, they have carefully fused a combination of traditional and Australian Native botanicals, which include Cinnamon Myrtle and Lemon Myrtle to enhance the distinctive tastes of Margaret River’s native bushland.
Using locally sourced Lavender was also important to keeping the Gin authentic to the region.
The gin launched on the 4th April 2023 and is available from their website directly and shipped to your door.
Being a multicultural household, infusing Greek & Indian cultures means the talk is loud, the food is plenty, and the cocktails are abundant.
I have personally wanted to create this elegant-looking and tasting product before we even released the vodka. The importance of ensuring that all these senses were given the right signals by this creation was a process that took over a year to perfect, and I couldn’t be happier with the results.
Mary Smilovitis – Founder and CEO
Don’t let the colour fool you, said Mary, this gin is 40% ABV (alcohol by volume), so it packs a punch.
So why did the team develop a lavender purple gin?
“In short – I’ve never been a pink lover,” said Mary. “The more in-depth reason would be – I love the symbolism behind things, so of course it was important to have a product with strong meaning behind every aspect of its creation.
“Purple is royal. It’s elaborate. Purple is cheerful, whimsical, and playful. It’s half-blue, half-red. It represents femininity, grace, and elegance. These were all the characteristics I wanted our creation to exude to our customers. Lavender just happened to be the colour purple and one of my favourite essential oils, the math was pretty easy, the convincing Mitchell was a little harder to do.”