These events are imported from Meetup and Eventbrite group pages. Please check the links for up-to-date details.
To see an overview of all major events of the year, go to the ‘WA Innovation Calendar 2003 – YEAR OVERVIEW’
These days, breakthrough innovation is no longer just the domain of startups.
Companies are playing the role of disruptor of their own industries, because the alternative is being disrupted themselves.
Since his first book, “This Might Get Me Fired: A Manual for Thriving in the Corporate Entrepreneurial Underground”, Greg Larkin has worked with some of the largest companies driving disruptive breakthroughs from the inside. Ash Kirvan will be interviewing Greg on how companies win and when their ambitions fail.
If you’d like to have your WA startup event automatically displaying on this calendar, please email [email protected] your Meetup or Eventbrite group/events page links.